
 IT Infastructure Review 

It’s not what you’ve got; it’s what you do with it that counts.

The average UK business spends upwards of £200,000 per year on data storage and management, but much of the data stored is likely to be junk. When you think that every file you store is backed up and copied up to 4 times on your servers - whether you need it or not - it’s easy to see how the volume of unnecessary data stored could easily add up.

 Could an IT infrastructure assessment help? 

Undertaking an IT infrastructure review is a way to get your house in order. Not only will it identify what you’ve got right now, it will also inform the way you move forward.

The experts at Logicalis can show you, not only what you have on your hands, but also what you can do with it.

 Book a data or infrastructure review with Logicalis 

At Logicalis, we are architects of change. With over 20 years’ experience in data centres and infrastructure, we have the expertise to help you make the right decisions for your data.

Minimise your footprint while maximising efficiency, with an IT infrastructure review from Logicalis.